Do You Have The Empty Nest Syndrome?

You may still remember the first time that you held your baby when you came home from the hospital. You may also vividly recall the first time that you set eyes on your child. All of these moments are memorable for parents. This is probably why most moms and dads undergo experience the empty nest syndrome when their child goes off to college or finally leaves the house.

Do You Have The Empty Nest Syndrome | Anastasia Date

Telltale Signs That You Are Experiencing The Empty Nest Syndrome

When you are a parent who doesn’t know what to do with him or herself after your child moves out or goes away for college, you have the empty nest syndrome. Don’t worry because it is pretty common for loving parents. But, how do you know that you’re experiencing the complex?

Loss Of Purpose

Your days were once filled with dozens of classes, from soccer practice or ballet lessons to extra tutorial classes. Now, that you have all this free time on your hands, you don’t really know what to do with it. And, it’s not like that “Where do I start?” feeling that’s exciting. It’s more like “What do I now?”

Even with the encouragement and fellowship of your friends and family, you still don’t feel that sense of purpose that you used to have.

Emotional Distress

Becoming an empty nester can stir up a variety of emotions so don’t be alarmed if you feel extra sensitive. Crying over a commercial or getting teary-eyed after passing by you and your child’s favorite spot is normal. Don’t try to deny your pain. Instead, accept it and go through it.

Anxiety About Your Child

Because you can no longer see or monitor every move that your child is making, you feel anxious. You may also feel the need to check up on your child constantly just to see how he or she is handling life without parental guidance.

Rest assured that the feeling you’re experiencing will fade. As time goes, you will be more accustomed to a house that’s quieter. You will also get the hang of doing what you can with your free time. For more tips about life and love, make sure to read other posts from our blog.