Some Of The Best Dates Are Done Outdoors

When you go on first dates, it’s okay to visit cafes or restaurants. But, have you ever considered to try something different for your second date? Yes, you can meet at a cafe or restaurant again. However, you might want to change things up and use your creativity to come up with the best dates. Try something you can do outdoors.

Some Of The Best Dates Are Done Outdoors | Anastasia Date

The Best Dates Can Happen In The Midst Of Nature

First dates are designed for two people to get to know each other and see if a spark can be lit. Second dates, on the other hand, are all about exploring the possibility of being together. For you to make this happen, try doing something fun outdoors with your date:

The Zoo

It’s probably impossible for a potential couple to not have a great time while at the zoo. You can walk around and have fun looking and appreciating animals. You can take a break and maybe have a little snack while you talk. Then, you can continue on strolling.

Bike Ride

A bike ride may be an unconventional kind of second date, but it’s something different which can work to your advantage. Imagine yourself and your date having a good time on your bikes, while enjoying the scenery. You can stop for water or a light snack, of course, which is where the talking should take place.


Hiking is another fun way to appreciate your surroundings. Choose a place that has the most amazing view. You can appreciate it together. You can even hold hands as you help each other up a steep hill. Other than enjoying the scenery, your date may appreciate that you’re showing how active you are.

The best dates don’t just happen out of the blue. Well, they do in some cases, but it’s always wise to prepare and plan your outdoor activities way ahead of time. You’d want things to run smoothly while you are enjoying each other’s company. For more dating tips and updates, read other posts on the blog.