If You Have This Photo On Your Profile, You’ll Get More Dating Matches

Of course, we all want to meet an interesting person who’s worth our attention when we are online dating or app dating. However, despite our eagerness, finding dating matches who are truly interested in us can be a challenge. We can do something about this though. All it takes is the right photo on your dating profile.

Dating Matches | Anastasia Date

Study Reveals That Photos Of You And Your Dogs Can Get You More Dating Matches

Yes, if you have a photo of yourself with your dog upload on your dating profile, you will get more matches says a recent survey. A dating company did a two-week-long dating experiment where men and women were required to take a photo of themselves with their four-legged friends.

Surprisingly, 69% of women saw an increase in their matches and even in the messages they received. As for the men,  saw an increase of about 38%. Yes, the women did better than the men.

Reasons  Why You Get More  Dating Matches

So what’s with dogs? Why do they help get you more dating matches? Well, it’s not an exact science, but experts say that it all has something to do with how people perceive you.

1. Compassionate

You show compassion when you are concerned about the needs and feelings of others. Of course, if you’re a dog owner, you think of the needs of your pet 24-7. When this is translated into a relationship, you are viewed as an unselfish partner.

2. Caring

This one is a no-brainer. A dog needs a lot of care. If you’re willing to give this to your pet, then you may also be willing to exhibit this when in a relationship.

3. Loving

Dogs need a lot of attention. It’s not enough to give them food and water. You also have to give them a good amount of love. This means that you understand that every relationship requires both the basics needs and the extra wants (like date night or holding hands while walking).

Remember that a picture paints a thousand words. If you’re taking care of another living creature, it could also mean that you can take care of a relationship and that you are selfless. Remember though that you can’t fake it. You can just put a photo of yourself and a dog that’s not yours because online daters will see right through you. For more online dating tips,  read other posts on the blog.