This Habit Will Help You Get Over A Breakup Fast

Breaking up with the amazing person you’ve been with for months is hard. However, we all have to accept that not every one of the relationships we go into will work. There’s only one that will eventually end up in marriage. You probably haven’t found it yet if you just went through a breakup. But don’t worry, you’ll be able to get over a breakup faster if you develop this habit.

This Habit Will Help You Get Over A Breakup Fast | Anastasia Date

You’ll Get Over A Breakup Quicker If You Always Journal

Yes, the habit of journaling can help you get over a breakup in no time. It seems unlikely, but according to an expert, this is an effective way to combat post-breakup loneliness. You see, journaling allows you to reflect on how you’re coping with your broken heart and your emotions. Checking in on both can help ground and heal you. You just have to make a habit out of it:

1.  Your journal needs to reflect your character or personality.

In order for you to continue journaling, you have to be motivated to write on your journal. This is why it has to reflect some part of you. For example, if you’re creative, you can try a blank journal (with no lines) so you have space for doodling or drawing.

2. Commit to writing one or even just half a page per day.

This is the hard part. If you don’t feel like writing it can be a struggle, but hold on to the thought that you need to do it in order for you to move forward. If you’re not feeling up to it, try writing even just half a page.

3. Be consistent.

You are basically building a habit. You won’t be able to do it if you’re journaling sporadically. You have to be consistent for this to work.

Remember that it will take a few days before you develop this habit. However, once you do, you’ll be on your way to a mended heart. You’ll also be more in touch with yourself, which is a bonus. For more tips, read other posts on the blog.