This Year These Dating Profile DONTS Should Be History

It’s 2022, and some of us are still guilty of doing dating profile DONTs which are causing us to get overlooked by potential dates. Since the new year is just around the corner, it’s absolutely time to get rid of your bad dating habits.

In 2019, These Dating Profile DONTS Should Be Non-Existent | Anastasia Date

Dating Profile DONTs That Turn Potential Dates Off

One of the worst dating profile DONTs that you still make until today is you don’t think about the impression you’re making. For example, have you ever asked yourself about what a potential date might think of you as he or she is viewing your profile? If not, then here are the things that you need to avoid to make a good impression:

1. Photos With Attractive People

How would you feel if your potential date had several photos with other attractive people? It could make you feel confused, right? It doesn’t matter if the photo you have is with your friend, it should only be you on your profile.

2. A Long List Of Positive Traits

It’s common to see several positive personality traits on dating profiles. However, this may be hurting our chances of finding a good match. Think about it, where did these traits come from? Who told you that you have these characteristics? Allow your date to find these out for him or herself.

3. Mirror Selfies

This one is just common sense. Mirror selfies are tacky. Although there are plenty of online daters who use mirror selfies, it is best to leave this outdated photo in 2021.

4. Complaining About Online Dating

Everyone has a complaint about online dating. It’s natural since not all of us has had a good experience while finding love through the internet. But, you don’t have to air your resentments on your dating profile. You’re showing off your negativity.

Before the new year comes in, you have to make sure that you do a major revamp of your online dating profile. Avoid the mentioned dating profile DONTs so you can have better luck in finding love. For more online dating tips, read other posts on the blog.