What Science Says About Your Partner’s Happiness In A Relationship

Researchers don’t usually measure happiness because it’s difficult to do so. One person’s definition of happiness may be different from another’s, but a study has shown that there might be a strong connection between health and a person’s happiness in a relationship.

This Is What Science Says About Your Partner's Happiness In A Relationship | AnastasiaDate
Is there really a link between a person’s health and happiness in romantic partners?

Signs Your Partner’s Happy In A Relationship With You

Is there really a link between a person’s health and happiness in romantic partners? A new study suggests so. William B. Chopik of Michigan State University and Ed O’Brien of the University of Chicago carried out their research using data they took from Health and Retirement Study (HRS), one of the largest research projects in the world that started in 1992.

Focusing on Chopik and O’Brien’s research, they compiled data from 1,981 couples within the age range of 50 to 94. Researchers looked at the participants’ self-reported measures of:

  • Lie satisfactions
  • Health status
  • Physical impairment
  • History of Chronic Disease
  • General activity level
  • Physical and emotional concerns with their partner

The Results

Like what was mentioned, the results showed that a person’s happiness is linked to his or her health as well as lifestyle choices. The higher your happiness in a relationship is, the healthier you are and the better the lifestyle choices you make (for instance how many times you exercise in a week).

The results indicate that, as time passes, happy couples become even healthier. What’s interesting is that the research also revealed that single people could have numerous health benefits by being with a partner who has a happy disposition.

Why Is This So?

Researchers explained why the strong link between health and happiness was found in the study. Here are the possible reasons that Chopik and O’Brien gave:

  • Partners who have a high level of happiness in a relationship tend to provide stronger social support while low-happiness partners tend to focus on themselves only.
  • Happy individuals are more likely to encourage their significant other to make smarter choices, and that includes choices in their lifestyle, diet, sleeping patterns and the like.
  • Happy people in relationships don’t create friction and stress, making things easier for their partner.

These are interesting results, don’t you think? Your main takeaway from this is to always aim for happiness in your relationship. We cannot tell you how to be happy, but being happy will most likely include spending time with your partner, maintaining the open lines of communication between the both of you, and going on different adventures together.

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