You’ll Likely Scare Her Away When You Do These Actions

So you found a lady who’s nice, kind, and rather attractive. You meet with her and you hit it off on the first date. You think she’s worth opening up your heart to love. At this point, you don’t want to do anything foolish to jeopardize the potential relationship and to scare her away.

scare her away AnastasiaDate

Moves You’d Want To Avoid So Won’t Scare Her Away

Even if the above situation hasn’t happened yet, you need to be mindful of your actions so you are prepared for future dates. The potential is present, but what could a man do to scare the woman of his dreams away? Here’s a list:

Focused On Being Intimate Too Soon

Women, nowadays, strive for equality. They study well and work hard to where they want to get in life. They would like to be respected and recognized as a person. The intimacy will follow when your relationship has progressed and she is more comfortable with you, so don’t rush. 

Too Much Flattery Won’t Get You Anywhere

It’s nice to be generous with compliments, but too much can border on flattery and insincerity. Appreciate her looks, what she is making, and when she’s doing favors for you. But, don’t you overdo it because she might get different ideas and take it against you.

Being Too Possessive

There’s a certain kind of security in being called someone’s “girl” or “woman”. It means you have declared to the world that you are already a couple and both of you are no longer open to other dating possibilities. However, don’t suffocate her because you want her all to yourself. It’s not healthy. Your woman would feel choked. At first, she may feel flattered but give it a few months and she will be bent on getting as far away from you as possible.

Still Obsessing Over Your Exes

There’s nothing that can dampen a relationship more than a man who dwells on his exes. Your new woman would like to love or care for you as herself. If you keep bringing up the ex into the picture, she will believe that she is not good enough for you because you are still stuck up with your past. It will just scare her away.

You might want to remember this list so you don’t do things you might regret in the near future. For more dating tips, make sure you check out the rest of our blog.