Does Your Relationship Fall Under These Dating Categories?

When talking about dating categories, all we ever had to choose from was single or in a relationship. But, times have changed. Dating today isn’t the same as it was five years ago. Therefore, it’s only natural that dating categories evolve together with the manner of which we meet people in the 21st century.

Does Your Relationship Fall Under These Dating Categories? | AnastasiaDate

Dating Categories You’ve Never Heard Of

So let’s dive right into the the changes that have happened in the categories of dating. Instead of just two (single or taken), we now have the following additional ones to remember:

Part-Time Dating

Is this similar to having a part-time job? Yes, it actually is. Part-time dating is specifically for modern citizens of the world who are focusing more on their career. This dating category means that both people in the relationship meet each other sporadically. They have very little contact as well, but have an understanding that the relationship is still in existence.

Permanently Single

Those who deem themselves as permanently single has come to terms with not having a partner for the rest of their lives. They’ve accepted that they will be lifetime bachelors or bachelorettes, but whats the difference of being single and being permanently single? Good question. When you’re single, you could still be open to meeting someone, while permanently single means that you stop dating altogether.

Tier Dating

The last category that the modern world has added is tiered dating. Everyone knows that our options today are very wide. When we do online dating, the sites usually match us with 10 or more people. So, tiered dating is like ranking those 10 or more people based on your preference. You’re going to date person 1 who your ranked #1 now, but when this person isn’t available, you’re going to move on to your second choice.

So, now, we have five dating categories: single, taken, tier dating, permanently single, and part-time dating. Which category would you or your relationship be under? Do share this post if you found it interesting. We have more posts like this one our blog so make sure you visit it after reading this post.
