Dating Mistakes People Make When Using Dating Apps

Today, it seems like Millennials have it all figured out when it comes to technology and the online world. This includes using dating apps. However, the truth is no matter how well versed they are with technology, they still face plenty of obstacles when it comes to finding love. This could sound counter-intuitive but just ask any Millennial you know.

Dating Mistakes Millennials Make When Using Dating Apps | Anastasia Date

Why Using Dating Apps Don’t Work For Most Millennials

More specifically, plenty of Millennials have expressed their hardship in finding love through dating apps. What are Millennials doing wrong, exactly? There are a few things:

1. Spending Too Much Time On A Dating App

It’s no secret that a lot of Millennials use dating apps to meet different people for relationships or friendships. The problem with this is that they don’t know when to transition into meeting face to face. An ideal thing to do would be to meet the person you met online as soon as you feel like the time is right.

2. Stalking People On Social Media

You have no idea how often Millennials stalk people they like on social media. It’s actually a good idea if you check if someone actually has social media profiles. It’s a good safety tip as it validates their identity, but this shouldn’t be done to a point where you stop using dating apps and move to just stalking a person on social media.

3. Dating Burnout

Plenty of Millennials experience dating burnout. In case you’re not familiar, dating burnout is when you’ve had too much of online dating to the point where it is causing you stress and anxiety. Millennials put too much pressure on themselves to find someone through a dating app. Online dating through apps should be fun. It shouldn’t lead one to feel pressured.

These problems could all be because of the dating app environment which is a fairly new platform with a different culture. Nonetheless, let this be an eye-opener to Millennials who are reading this now. For more updates on dating as well as advice on relationships, read more posts on our blog.