How To Survive Holiday Family Gatherings

The holidays bring a chance for families to come together. Most would say that the holidays bring family reunions, which sound great if you already miss your aunts, uncles or cousins. But, do you know what the downside of holiday family gatherings is?

Tips On How To Survive Holiday Family Gatherings
How can you survive your annoying family? / Source:

The Holiday Family Gatherings Quick Survival Guide

Yes, you get to see everyone during holiday family gatherings, but you are also setting yourself up. Your family’s going to ask a lot of questions about your job, your life and, most especially your relationship status. Plus, you tend to forget how annoying your family can be until you’re actually at the gathering. So, how in the world can you survive this? We have some suggestions:

1. Accept The Fact That Your Family’s Going To Annoy You

There’s a particular kind of power that comes from acceptance. Before going to any holiday family gathering, prepare yourself by accepting that your family can be annoying, sometimes. Whenever a family member makes an inappropriate comment, or does something that’s totally rude, breath in, breath out and just smile.

2. Answer Questions With Grace And Class

For The Single, Newly Singled or Divorced

When your aunt or grandma comes up to you and says “Do you have a special someone in your life? You’re getting old. You should find someone,” you can always flip the table – kidding. For real, though, you have to answer this question with grace and class. If you do have a special someone, give your family little details about the new person you’re dating. If you’re not dating anyone new, refer to tip #1.

For The Couple Who Isn’t Married Yet

When your aunt or grandma comes up and asks, “When are you getting married?” don’t blow your fuse. It can be annoying, and it can put you and your partner on the spot, but remember to answer the question with grace and class. Tell them that you are still planning for the big day, but nothing is set in stone. Bear in mind that your family means well so, again, refer to tip #1.

3. Engage In Small Talk With Everyone

The last tip we have on our list has something to do with small talk. Remember when we said that holidays bring with them family reunions? Well, the worst thing you could do is to isolate yourself into a corner because everyone is saying or doing something that’s annoying you. That’s not what family gatherings are about. If you engage in conversation with family you have not seen in a long time, you might just change the way you think about them.

Please remember that family is still family, and they do mean well. Let the holiday spirit take over and drop all the negativity during holiday family gatherings. For more relationship advice and dating tips, check out our blog for other posts.